let someone loose

پیشنهاد کاربران

To release someone from restraint or confinement, allowing them to act freely. It can also refer to giving someone the opportunity to express themselves or do something they have been prevented from doing.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

رها کردن کسی از محدودیت یا حبس، به او اجازه دادن آزادانه عمل کردن.
همچنین می تواند به دادن فرصت به کسی برای ابراز وجود یا انجام کاری که از انجام آن منع شده اشاره داشته باشد.
The police let the suspect loose after questioning him.
After years of holding it in, she finally let loose her anger.
The teacher let loose the students to work on a project in groups.
The vandals let loose on the property, causing thousands of dollars in damage.
