let's call it

پیشنهاد کاربران

"Let's call it here". We have to get up early for work tomorrow.
بیا دیگه تمومش کنیم ( مثلا صحبتو ) . . فردا باید زود بیدار شیم برای کار
“Let’s call it” is an informal phrase that is often used to suggest ending an activity or event. It is often used in the context of work or meetings, and can be used to suggest that it is time to stop working or discussing a particular topic.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اغلب برای پایان دادن به یک فعالیت یا رویداد. بیشتر در زمینه کار یا جلسات استفاده می شود و می تواند برای نشان دادن اینکه زمان توقف کار یا بحث در مورد یک موضوع خاص فرا رسیده است.
“We’ve been working on this project for hours, and we’re not making any progress. Let’s call it a day and come back to it tomorrow when we’re fresh. ”
“I’m getting tired of this conversation. Let’s call it a night and pick it up again tomorrow. ”
“We’ve been playing basketball for hours, and I think we’re all exhausted. Let’s call it a game and go get some ice cream. ”
“I’ve been trying to fix this computer for hours, but I can’t seem to get it working. Let’s call it quits and take it to a professional. ”

منابع• https://gonaturalenglish.com/50-english-phrases-for-medical-professionals/
