legal hot potato

پیشنهاد کاربران

This term describes a legal matter or problem that is passed from one person or organization to another, often because no one wants to take responsibility for it. It implies that the issue is difficult or sensitive.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

موضوع یا مشکل قانونی که از یک شخص یا سازمان به دیگری منتقل می شود، اغلب به این دلیل که هیچ کس نمی خواهد مسئولیت آن را بپذیرد.
به این معنی است که موضوع مشکل یا حساس است.
For instance, a journalist might write, “The case became a legal hot potato, with multiple parties refusing to comment. ”
In a discussion about a complex legal situation, someone might say, “The company is trying to avoid the legal hot potato by settling out of court. ”
A lawyer might advise their client, “We need to be prepared for the legal hot potato that this case could become. ”
