left on read

پیشنهاد کاربران

“Left on read” is an internet slang term used to describe a situation where a person has read a message but has not responded to it. The term is often used to express feeling ignored or snubbed. The expression “read receipts” refers to the feature that shows the sender exactly when someone has read their text.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

"Left on Read" یک اصطلاح عامیانه اینترنتی است که برای توصیف موقعیتی استفاده می شود که در آن شخصی پیامی را خوانده اما به آن پاسخی نداده است. این اصطلاح اغلب برای بیان احساس نادیده گرفته شدن یا بی اعتنایی به کار می رود. عبارت "read receipts" به ویژگی ای اشاره دارد که به فرستنده دقیقا زمانی را نشان می دهد که شخصی متن آنها را خوانده است.
I texted him last night, but he left me on read.
I hate it when people leave me on read. It makes me feel ignored.
She’s always leaving me on read. I don’t know what to do.
I can’t believe he left me on read for three hours.

منابع• https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/left-on-read/
My partner always leaves me on read.
They get really distracted and then don't message me back.
You shouldn't assume the worst if you get left on read.
If someone reads your message and doesn't reply, they might be really busy and planning to respond later.
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