left feeling

پیشنهاد کاربران

▪️ the emotion you experienced before you left a particular situation
▪️ left feeling" is very idiomatic for the after - effects of something emotional
e. g.
I remember attending an English lesson a few years ago that really impressed me. It was held at a language school in my city, and the teacher was a native speaker with a lot of experience teaching English as a second language
[مشاهده متن کامل]

What impressed me most about the lesson was the teacher’s ability to engage and motivate the students. She used a variety of teaching methods and techniques to make the lesson interesting and interactive. She encouraged us to speak as much as possible and corrected our mistakes in a gentle and constructive way
During the lesson, we learned a lot of new vocabulary and grammar structures, but what really stood out was the way the teacher incorporated cultural references and real - life situations into the lesson. She used examples from movies, TV shows, and even news articles to help us understand the language in context
One activity that I particularly enjoyed was a role - playing exercise where we had to pretend to be guests at a dinner party and engage in small talk with each other. It was a fun and practical way to practice our conversational skills, and it really helped to boost our confidence in speaking English
Overall, I thought the lesson was impressive because it was engaging, practical, and effective. The teacher’s enthusiasm and expertise had made a significant impact on my learning experience, and ⭐I left the lesson feeling motivated⭐ and eager to continue improving my English skills

بدین معنا است که بعد از تعامل با یک فرد یا جمعی از افراد احساسی در وجود شما باقی می ماند که عموما منفی هستند مثل ترس، نگرانی، ابهام و . . . مثلا
I left feeling very worried
یعنی: نگرانی زیادی در وجودم بود.
. منبع سایت hinative. com.
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