leave somebody in the lurch

پیشنهاد کاربران

To leave someone at a time when they need you to stay and help/ The phrase “leave somebody in the lurch” means to abandon or desert someone in a difficult situation, often without warning or explanation.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

ترک/ رها کردن کسی در زمانی که به ماندن کنار او و کمک شما نیاز دارد/ رها کردن یا ترک کسی در شرایط سخت، اغلب بدون هشدار یا توضیح .
“After promising to help me move, my friend left me in the lurch on moving day”.
“The company went bankrupt and left its employees in the lurch”.
“I was counting on my partner to help me with the project, but they left me in the lurch”.

کسی رو توی مخمصه انداختن، کسی رو دچار مشکل کردن، چوب لای چرخ کسی کردن
