league up

پیشنهاد کاربران

To join or form a higher level or more advanced group or team. “League up” implies progression or advancement to a higher level of skill, expertise, or competition.
پیوستن یا تشکیل دادن یک گروه یا تیم سطح بالاتر یا پیشرفته تر، به معنای پیشرفت یا پیشروی به سطح بالاتری از مهارت، تخصص یا رقابت است.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

مثال ها؛
For instance, in a video game, players might league up to compete in more challenging matches or tournaments.
In a professional context, employees might league up to take on more responsibility or work on higher - level projects.
A group of athletes might league up to compete in a higher division or level of competition.

منابع• https://fluentslang.com/slang-for-team-up-with/
