lead me down a rabbit hole of research

پیشنهاد کاربران

The phrase lead me down a rabbit hole of research is an idiomatic expression that refers to the act of getting lost in a maze of information or ideas that can be difficult to navigate or escape from.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

گم شدن/ غرق شدن در پیچ و خم اطلاعات یا ایده هایی که راهیابی یا فرار از آن دشوار است.
I started reading about the history of the Roman Empire, and before I knew it, I was led down a rabbit hole of research that lasted for hours.
I was trying to find a recipe for chocolate cake, but I got led down a rabbit hole of research on the history of chocolate instead.
I was supposed to be working on my essay, but I got led down a rabbit hole of research on the psychology of procrastination.
I was looking up the meaning of a word, but I got led down a rabbit hole of research on the history of the English language.

منابع• https://grammarist.com/idiom/down-the-rabbit-hole/• https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/falling-down-the-rabbit-hole-/5914007.html
