lay someone to rest

پیشنهاد کاربران

به خاک سپردن
The phrase "lay someone to rest" means to bury someone who has died. It is a respectful and formal way of referring to the act of burying a deceased person. The phrase is often used in obituaries, funeral announcements, and other contexts related to death and mourning
[مشاهده متن کامل]

دفن کردن مرده، خاکسپاری مرده. این یک روش محترمانه و رسمی برای اشاره به عمل دفن یک فرد متوفی است. این عبارت اغلب در مراسم ترحیم، اطلاعیه های تشییع جنازه و سایر زمینه های مرتبط با مرگ و سوگواری استفاده می شود.
"The family will lay their beloved mother to rest in a private ceremony. "
"The community came together to lay to rest the victims of the tragic accident. "
"He was laid to rest with full military honors. "

lay someone to restlay someone to rest
