knock someone back

پیشنهاد کاربران

1 -
to say no to someone who has offered you something or asked you to do something/ to say no to someone's offer, idea, etc
نه گفتن به کسی که به شما پیشنهادی داده یا از شما خواسته است کاری انجام دهید/ نه گفتن به پیشنهاد، ایده و غیره کسی
[مشاهده متن کامل]

دست رد به سینه کسی زدن، پیشنهاد کسی را رد کردن، امتناع کردن از انجام کار یا پیشنهادی
He asked her out but she knocked him back.
The singer was repeatedly knocked back by record companies who said he was too old.
His plan was knocked back by the council.
2 -
to cost someone a large amount of money
خرج زیادی روی دست کسی گذاشتن
I bet that computer knocked you back several hundred.
3 -
to quickly drink something, especially a lot of alcohol
نوشیدن سریع چیزی، مخصوصاً مقدار زیادی الکل
She was knocking back the champagne at Maria's party.
He raised the glass to his lips, then knocked it back in a single gulp.
4 -
to have a bad effect on someone or something, especially by stopping them from achieving something
تأثیر بد گذاشتن بر کسی یا چیزی، به ویژه با جلوگیری از دستیابی او به چیزی
Disappointing results from the company knocked its shares back to just 51p.
She missed out on the promotion, but refused to be knocked back.
