
پیشنهاد کاربران

This slang term is used to describe someone who is seen as stupid, foolish, or annoying. It is often used as an insult to mock or belittle someone’s intelligence.
اصطلاح عامیانه
کسی که احمق، نادان یا رو مُخ است. اغلب به عنوان توهین برای تمسخر یا تحقیر هوش کسی استفاده می شود.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

For instance, a frustrated driver might say, “That knobhead just cut me off. ”
In a conversation about a coworker who constantly makes mistakes, one might say, “He’s such a knobhead. ”
A person might use the term to describe themselves in a joking manner, saying, “I can’t believe I did something so knobheadish. ”
