kill someone with kindness

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The idiom “kill someone with kindness” means to cause discomfort to someone by treating them in an extremely kind or helpful way. Instead of responding negatively to an insult or negativity, you respond with overwhelming kindness.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اصطلاح "kill someone with kindness" به معنای ایجاد ناراحتی برای کسی با رفتار بسیار مهربانانه یا مفید است. به جای اینکه به یک توهین یا منفی پاسخ منفی بدهید، با مهربانی شدید پاسخ می دهید.
Even though he’s really mean to me, I try to kill him with kindness ( instead of treating him poorly back ) .
When someone makes a rude comment, it’s best to kill them with kindness.
A good way to deal with enemies is to kill them with kindness.
