kid stuff

پیشنهاد کاربران

( UK kids' stuff )
an activity or piece of work that is very easy/"Kid stuff" refers to something befitting or appropriate only for children, or something extremely simple or easy.
یک فعالیت یا کار که بسیار آسان است، کار کوچک و پیش پا افتاده
[مشاهده متن کامل]

به چیزی اشاره دارد که فقط برای کودکان مناسب یا شایسته است، یا چیزی بسیار ساده یا آسان.
A five - mile bike ride? That's kid stuff.
I packed all the kid stuff for the weekend trip, including toys and games.
Don't worry about the test, it's just kid stuff for you.
We need to focus on the important issues and leave the kid stuff behind.

