
پیشنهاد کاربران

A khimar is a type of veil worn by some Muslim women that covers the hair, neck, and shoulders, leaving the face exposed. It is typically a loose - fitting garment that drapes over the head and falls down to the waist or beyond.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

نوعی چادر که برخی از زنان مسلمان از آن استفاده می کنند و مو، گردن و شانه ها را می پوشاند و صورت را آشکار می کند. این معمولاً یک لباس گشاد است که روی سر می پوشد و تا کمر یا بیشتر از آن می افتد.
She wore a khimar to maintain her modesty while still showing her face.
In a conversation about Islamic dress, someone might mention, “The khimar is one of the options available for women to fulfill their religious obligations. ”
A traveler might describe their observations, “I saw many women wearing colorful khimars during my visit to Morocco. ”

