juicy nugget

پیشنهاد کاربران

"Juicy nugget" is a colloquial term that is often used to describe a piece of interesting or valuable information. It is typically used when referring to a small piece of information that is particularly noteworthy or surprising. The term "juicy" implies that the information is exciting or intriguing, while "nugget" suggests that it is small but valuable. The phrase is often used in conversation, writing, or journalism to highlight a piece of information that is likely to capture people's attention.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اغلب برای توصیف یک اطلاعات جالب یا ارزشمند استفاده می شود. معمولاً هنگام ارجاع به بخش کوچکی از اطلاعات استفاده می شود که به ویژه قابل توجه یا شگفت انگیز است. اصطلاح juicy به معنای هیجان انگیز یا جذاب بودن اطلاعات است، در حالی که nugget نشان می دهد که کوچک اما ارزشمند است. این عبارت اغلب در مکالمه، نوشتن یا روزنامه نگاری برای برجسته کردن بخشی از اطلاعاتی که احتمالاً توجه افراد را به خود جلب می کند، استفاده می شود.
1. The reporter uncovered a juicy nugget of information that could change the course of the investigation.
2. I can't wait to share this juicy nugget with my friends - it's going to blow their minds.
3. The book was full of juicy nuggets of information about the author's life that I had never heard before.
4. The coach gave the team a juicy nugget of advice that helped them win the game.
5. I always love reading this blog because they always have a juicy nugget of information that I didn't know before.

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