
پیشنهاد کاربران

نیروهای دفاع از خود ژاپن ( JSDF ) ( به ژاپنی: 自衛隊؛ هپبورن: Jieitai ) ، که همچنین به عنوان نیروهای مسلح ژاپن شناخته می شود، نیروهای نظامی متحد ژاپن هستند. JSDF که در سال 1954 تأسیس شد، شامل نیروی زمینی
[مشاهده متن کامل]
دفاع شخصی ژاپن، نیروی دفاع شخصی دریایی ژاپن و نیروی دفاع از خود هوایی ژاپن است. آنها تحت کنترل وزارت دفاع با نخست وزیر به عنوان فرمانده کل هستند.

منابع• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan_Self-Defense_Forces
The Japan Self - Defense Force ( JSDF ) is, according to the Japanese constitution, designed only for minimal self defense capability. Brought up after World War II, the JSDF was supposed to tell the world that Japan will no longer attempt to threaten world peace. In theory, the laws prohibiting Japan to export and acquire powerful weapons should minimize its military might. In truth, Japan possesses one of the world’s most powerful armed forces. In fact, by 2012, Japanese defense budget was the 5th biggest all over the world, and by 2013, hawkish Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ordered a full - scale rearmament of Japan.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

This massive rearmament is brought about by the threat coming from two countries: North Korea and China, with the much bigger threat coming from the latter. Recently, China has been more physically assertive of its claimed territories, including the Japanese - controlled Senkaku islands ( known as Diaoyu in China ) .
Of course, economically and militarily, China is ahead of Japan. The former has a greater number of conventional weapons and personnel, but Japan hopes to counter these with more sophisticated weapons supplied by its ally the United States. Japan has announced its desire to acquire the 5th generation stealth fighter, the F - 35, which is deemed to be superior to anything in the Chinese arsenal.
In an event of a conflict between the two great Asian power, China would probably not have the upper hand. This is due to the fact that the US is obliged by law to come to Japan’s aid should war take place.
