
پیشنهاد کاربران

1 -
the action of knocking or pushing roughly against someone in order to move past them or get more
space when you are in a crowd of people
ضربه زدن یا فشار دادن شدید به کسی به منظور عبور از کنار او یا گرفتن فضای بیشتر زمانی که در بین جمعیت هستید.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

There was a lot of jostling among photographers for the perfect spot.
The jostling for front row seats in St Peter's Square will be intense for the Pope's visit.
2 -
the act of competing with other people in order to get what you want
رقابت با افراد دیگر برای رسیدن به آنچه می خواهید.
the current jostling for position in the government
The crisis brought the political jostling of the previous three years to a climax.
Behind the scenes, the jostling has begun.

جا دادن و راه باز کردن بیشتر با زور یا هل دادن
تنه زدن
برخورد، تماس
