it's the quiet ones you got worry about

پیشنهاد کاربران

The phrase "It's the quiet ones you got to worry about" is a saying that means that people who are quiet or reserved can often be the most dangerous or deceptive. It suggests that the quiet ones can be unpredictable, and you should be careful around them.
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ضرب المثل
افرادی که ساکت یا محجوب هستند اغلب می توانند خطرناک ترین یا فریبنده ترین باشند. این نشان می دهد که افراد ساکت می توانند غیرقابل پیش بینی باشند و باید مراقب آنها باشید.
از آن نترس که های و هوی دارد، از آن بترس که سر به تو دارد.
Beware of that new guy, he's the quiet type. It's the quiet ones you got to worry about.
"Don't be fooled by his quiet demeanor, he's the sneaky type. It's the quiet ones you got to worry about. "
"She may seem harmless, but she's the quiet type. It's the quiet ones you got to worry about. "
