it's safe to say

پیشنهاد کاربران

The phrase “it’s safe to say ( that ) ” is used to express confidence in what one is about to say. It implies that the statement following it is highly likely or certain.
عبارت برای ابراز اطمینان نسبت به آنچه که قرار است گفته شود استفاده می شود. به این معنی است که گزاره ای که در پی آن است بسیار محتمل یا قطعی است.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

به جرات می توان گفت، با قاطعیت می توان گفت، به ضرس قاطع
After analyzing the data, it’s safe to say that our sales have increased by 20% this quarter.
Considering the evidence, it’s safe to say that she’ll be the next team leader.
Given the weather forecast, it’s safe to say that we won’t need our umbrellas today.
It’s safe to say that the concert was a huge success; the crowd was cheering throughout the performance.

