it's not so funny

پیشنهاد کاربران

نخند، لب ت میترکه
💠 It's not so funny!
How many so far?
120! I counted them. 60 50 10 = 120
Alright, as you say.
120 * 25 dollars less 120 * 20 = 2400
And 5 * 120 = 600 dollars = 3000
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Make it 30 dollars.
30, please.
And that's Mr. Solivan week's wage.
How about a tip?
نخند. . لب ت میترکه!
چند تا، تا الان داری جوجه؟
۱۲۳ تا.
۱۲۰ تا! اینجا شمردم و دارم!
باشه، هر چی شما بگید.
. . . ۳۰ دلار حساب کنید آقای اسمیت.
۲۵ دلار
۳۰ دلار حساب کنید. .
انعام ما رو هم بدید. .
1. I'm being serious; don't treat this like a joke.
💠 It's not so funny, Dave. You could have gotten hurt, do you understand?
2. Stop laughing at me; the situation is not humorous for me.
💠 Hey, it's not so funny, guys! How would you like having to go around school all day with a big rip in the seat of your pants?
3. Used at the end of a statement to indicate the extreme degree to which something is true.
💠 Just a few years back we were struggling to make ends meet. Now we've got so much work it's not funny!
💠 Wow, Lauren's new boyfriend is so hot it's not even funny!
