it's more than my job's worth

پیشنهاد کاربران

The phrase "It's more than my job's worth" is used to convey that the speaker is unable or unwilling to do something due to the risk of losing their job or facing negative consequences. It implies that the requested action goes beyond what the speaker is willing to do to avoid jeopardizing their employment.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

عبارت �it's more than my job's worth� برای بیان این نکته به کار می رود که گوینده به دلیل خطر از دست دادن شغل خود یا مواجه شدن با عواقب منفی قادر به انجام کاری نیست یا نمی خواهد انجام دهد. به این معنی است که اقدام درخواستی از گوینده، فراتر از آن چیزی است که او برای جلوگیری از به خطر انداختن شغل خود مایل است انجام دهد.
The employee refused to bend the rules, stating, "It's more than my job's worth to make an exception. "
When asked to stay late without overtime pay, she replied, "Sorry, it's more than my job's worth. "
The security guard wouldn't allow entry without proper identification, citing, "It's more than my job's worth to let you in without it. "

