it's high time

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• the time has come, it is the time, it is about time

پیشنهاد کاربران

It’s high time you got that bad knee looked at by a doctor
زودتر از اینا باید زانویت را نشون دکتر می دادی
وقتش رسیده که . . . .
✅ دیگه وقتشه که . . .
✅ خیلی وقت پیش بایستی که. . .
✅ زمانش/وقتش رسیده که . . .
1 ) informal. used to say it is time to do something that should have been done a long time ago
[مشاهده متن کامل]

👈🏿It's high time we made some changes around here
👈🏿It's high time ( that ) you cleaned your room
2 ) infml ( it is ) past the time when something should have happened
👈🏿It's high time you got that bad knee looked at by a doctor! Wa
👈🏿?Do you think your city is clean or not
It’s a crying shame but the city I’m living in is not clean and tidy as it should be. Trash is strewn all over the place, from used water bottles, candy wrappers and so on. I guess ⭐it’s high time⭐ people became/should become more environmentally conscious

چه عجب!
دیگر وقتش است. . . .
