

معنی: پیچیده، گرفتار، مبهم، بغرنج، در گیر، مورد بحی
معانی دیگر: غامض، مدغم، پیچ در پیچ، دچار، دست اندرکار، مورد بحک

بررسی کلمه

صفت ( adjective )
مشتقات: involvedly (adv.)
(1) تعریف: complex; intricate.
متضاد: simple, uninvolved
مشابه: complex, complicate, intricate, perplexed

(2) تعریف: confused; tangled.
متضاد: straightforward
مشابه: complicate, perplexed

جمله های نمونه

1. an involved problem
مسئله ی پیچیده

2. countries involved in armed conflict
کشورهای گرفتار ستیز مسلحانه

3. fog involved the shoreline
مه کرانه را فراگرفت.

4. they involved our country in war and bloodshed
آنان کشور ما را در گیر جنگ و خونریزی کردند.

5. get involved in
درگیر شدن در،دچار شدن

6. the costs involved in moving to a new house
مخارج مربوط به اسباب کشی به خانه ی جدید

7. this job involved many obligations
این شغل الزامات فراوانی را ایجاب می کرد.

8. the mechanical operations involved in sculpture
کارهای مکانیکی وابسته به تندیس (مجسمه) سازی

9. alive to the risks involved
آگاه به مخاطراتی که در پیش است

10. an organization that is involved in the country's defense program
سازمانی که دست اندر کار برنامه ی دفاعی کشور است

11. one of the industries involved in aluminium extraction
یکی از صنایع وابسته به استخراج آلومینیوم

12. several cabinet ministers were involved in the coup
چندین وزیر در کودتا دست داشتند.

13. the number of workers involved in the construction of the bridge
تعداد کارگرانی که دست اندرکار ساختن پل هستند

14. the problem is more involved than you think
مسئله از آنچه تو فکر می کنی پیچیده تر است.

15. traffic with the indians involved the exchage of food for horses
داد و ستد با سرخ پوستان شامل مبادله ی غذا با اسب می شد.

16. as the two brothers were involved in a dispute over the division of the inheritance, they chose seyed mehdi as arbiter
چون دو برادر سر تقسیم ارث اختلاف داشتند،سید مهدی را حکم قرار دادند.

17. omar swore vengeance on everyone involved with the murder
عمر سوگند خورد که از همه ی کسانی که در آن جنایت دست داشته اند انتقام بگیرد.

18. the construction of that road involved the buliding of hundreds of bridges
ساختن آن راه مستلزم بنا نهادن صدها پل بود.

19. a full appreciation of the risks involved
ارزیابی کامل مخاطرات مربوطه

20. i do not want to get involved in her personal difficulties
نمی خواهم در مشکلات شخصی او گرفتار شوم.

21. he dissented from the idea that universities should get involved in politics
او با این عقیده که دانشگاه ها باید در سیاست دخالت کنند مخالف بود.

22. We are keen that Britain should get involved too.
[ترجمه Fatemeh Afshar Kazemi] ما مشتاق هستیم که بریتانیا به موضوع ورود کند
[ترجمه گوگل]ما مشتاقیم که بریتانیا نیز در این امر دخالت کند
[ترجمه ترگمان]ما مشتاق هستیم که بریتانیا هم درگیر شود
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

23. He refused to believe his son was involved in drugs.
[ترجمه گوگل]او نمی‌پذیرفت که پسرش درگیر مواد مخدر باشد
[ترجمه ترگمان]او قبول نکرد که پسرش در مواد مخدر دست داشته است
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

24. More than 30 software firms were involved in the project.
[ترجمه گوگل]بیش از 30 شرکت نرم افزاری در این پروژه مشارکت داشتند
[ترجمه ترگمان]بیش از ۳۰ شرکت نرم افزاری در این پروژه شرکت داشتند
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

25. They got involved with a dodgy businessman and lost all their savings.
[ترجمه گوگل]آنها با یک تاجر بداخلاق درگیر شدند و تمام پس انداز خود را از دست دادند
[ترجمه ترگمان]آن ها با یک تاجر dodgy درگیر شدند و همه پس انداز خود را از دست دادند
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

26. Villagers dispensed tea to people involved in the accident.
[ترجمه گوگل]اهالی روستا برای افراد حادثه دیده چای توزیع کردند
[ترجمه ترگمان]روستاییان برای افرادی که در این حادثه دست داشته اند چای تعارف می کنند
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

27. Students were involved in violent clashes with the police.
[ترجمه گوگل]دانشجویان درگیر درگیری شدید با پلیس شدند
[ترجمه ترگمان]دانش آموزان در درگیری های خشونت آمیز با پلیس دخیل بوده اند
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

مترادف ها

پیچیده (صفت)
abstruse, complex, intricate, wrapped, twisted, involved, knotty, sigmoid, indirect, crooked, rolled, obscurant, wreathy, recondite, crabby, crimpy, unintelligible, revolute, verticillate

گرفتار (صفت)
involved, afoul, captive, preoccupied

مبهم (صفت)
hazy, involved, involute, obscure, opaque, ambiguous, vague, enigmatic, misty, dim, dusky, esoteric, mysterious, forked, nebular, imprecise

بغرنج (صفت)
complex, intricate, involved, involute, complicated, obscurant, intangible

در گیر (صفت)

مورد بحی (صفت)


[فوتبال] درگیربودن

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• included; concerned with, entangled; engaged, engrossed; complicated; incriminated, connected with
if you are involved in a situation or activity, you are taking part in it.
if you are deeply involved in something you are doing, you feel very strongly or enthusiastically about it.
the things involved in something such as a job or system are the things that are required in order to do it or understand it.
if you describe a situation or activity as involved, you mean that it is very complicated.
if you are involved with another person, you are having a close relationship with them.
see also involve.

پیشنهاد کاربران

↩️ دوستان لطفاً به این توضیحات خوب دقت کنید:
📋 در زبان انگلیسی یک prefix داریم به اسم in -
📌 این پیشوند، معادل "in" "on" و "into" می باشد؛ بنابراین کلماتی که این پیشوند را در خود داشته باشند، به "in" "on" یا "into" مربوط هستند.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

📂 مثال:
🔘 ingress: the act of entering or the right to enter
🔘 insinuation: a sly, indirect suggestion, often negative
🔘 incumbent: a duty or responsibility placed upon someone
🔘 intone: to say something in a slow, serious manner
🔘 inundate: to overwhelm with too much of something
🔘 inveterate: a habit that is long - established and unlikely to change
🔘 indoctrinate: to teach beliefs thoroughly, rejecting others
🔘 incipient: something just beginning to develop
🔘 incisive: a clear, brief expression with strong understanding
🔘 disinter: to dig up something previously buried or hidden
🔘 ingratiate: to try to gain favor by pleasing someone
🔘 incarcerate: to imprison or confine
🔘 inculcate: to teach something repeatedly to fix it in mind
🔘 insidious: dangerous because it develops slowly and unnoticed
🔘 inebriated: being under the influence of alcohol or an emotion
🔘 incendiary: something causing fires or inciting trouble
🔘 inception: the beginning or start of something
🔘 incursion: a sudden, hostile invasion or attack
🔘 induce: to bring about or persuade someone to do something
🔘 inductive: reasoning based on observation to form general conclusions
🔘 inference: a conclusion drawn from available data
🔘 infiltrate: to enter secretly, usually for gathering information
🔘 inflammable: easily ignited or quick to anger
🔘 inflection: a change in form, such as in voice or word endings
🔘 infringe: to violate or intrude upon someone's rights
🔘 infusion: the introduction of one substance into another
🔘 ingrained: deeply fixed or rooted, especially in the mind
🔘 inherent: a natural, essential quality
🔘 initiate: to begin or start something
🔘 innate: a quality present from birth or essential to something
🔘 inquisitive: eager to learn, sometimes overly curious
🔘 instigate: to start or stir up something, often trouble
🔘 intrusive: interfering where not welcome
🔘 reinstate: to restore something or someone to a former position
🔘 incorporate: to add and make something part of a whole
🔘 inclined: willing or likely to do something
🔘 reinforce: to strengthen or add support
🔘 incidental: a minor event related to something more important
🔘 coincide: to happen at the same time or agree
🔘 incident: an unpleasant occurrence or event
🔘 intend: to plan or have a goal to do something
🔘 incline: a slope or surface that rises or falls
🔘 ingredient: a component used to make something
🔘 inspire: to motivate or influence someone positively
🔘 investigation: a search for information about an event or situation
🔘 instant: happening immediately or without delay
🔘 insert: to put something into something else
🔘 involved: taking part in or engaged in an activity
🔘 inspect: to examine something closely
🔘 invade: to enter a place forcefully, usually for attack
🔘 encouraging: giving support or confidence
🔘 illumination: a state of enlightenment or understanding
🔘 incarceration: the state of being imprisoned
🔘 incarnation: a new form or embodiment of an idea
🔘 inculpate: to suggest that someone is guilty
🔘 influx: a flowing in or arrival of something
🔘 inject: to introduce a substance, especially with a needle
🔘 inscribe: to carve or etch into a surface
🔘 invasive: relating to entering the body through puncture or incision
🔘 invoke: to call into action or existence, often by magic

ارتباط داشتن در چیزی
شامل بودن
درگیر / درگیر شدن
مثال: She was deeply involved in the project from the beginning.
او از ابتدا در پروژه به طور عمیقی درگیر بود.
صفت : پیچیده
فرایند طولانی و پیچیده = A long and involved process
به عنوان صفت؛
1 -
If something is involved, it is marked by extreme complexity or difficult to deal with due to its intricacy.
اگر چیزی involved باشد، یعنی دارای پیچیدگی زیادی است یا به دلیل پیچیدگی آن، مقابله با آن دشوار است.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

“The process is quite involved. ”
“The story was so involved that I couldn’t follow it. ”
“His affairs were dreadfully involved. ”
2 -
When someone is involved with another person, it means they have a romantic or sexual relationship.
وقتی کسی با شخص دیگری involved است، به این معنی است که آنها یک رابطه عاشقانه یا جنسی دارند.
“She warned her not to get romantically involved. ”
“He’s always been secretive, and whenever I ask him, he just tells me it’s something I don’t want to be involved in. ”
3 -
When something or someone is involved, it means they are participating in or included in a particular activity, event, or situation.
وقتی چیزی یا شخصی involved است، به این معنی است که در یک فعالیت، رویداد یا موقعیت خاص شرکت می کند یا در آن مشارکت دارد.
“She was involved in a lawsuit. ”
“The instructions for assembling the toy are very involved. ”
“Those of us who were involved knew exactly what happened. ”

دخیل بودن
دخالت داشتن
درهم تنیده
🔍 دوستان مشتقات ( derivatives ) این کلمه اینها هستند:
✅ فعل ( verb ) : involve
✅️ اسم ( noun ) : involvement
✅️ صفت ( adjective ) : involved
✅️ قید ( adverb ) : _
مرتبط بودن با چیزی
صمیمی بودن
✅صورت گرفته
How do children celebrate birthdays in your country?
Birthdays are a big deal ( very important ) in my country! We usually have some sort of gathering with our immediate family, typically a meal together at the birthday boy or birthday girl’s restaurant of choice for adults. Apart from this ( =Besides; Furthermore ) , we normally go out with drinks for an evening on the town or have a get together with drinks ⭐involved at home⭐. On the other hand, children usually have a large party with family and friends. The parents often hire some sort of special entertainment, like a clown or even animals!
[مشاهده متن کامل]

being involved in extracurricular activities شرکت داشتن در فعالیت های فوق برنامه Involved=attend=taking part
همراه ( به معنی دست اندر کار، دخیل )
در جریان بودن
شاخ و برگ دار
مرتبط با کار
قاطی شدن با کسی یا چیزی
شامل . . . بودن
شامل شدن
با چیزی/ کاری ارتباط داشتن
صورت گرفته
موثر و نقش پرداز
پیچیده - بغرنج - پیچ در پیچ - درهم تنیده
مرتبط. مربوطه
شرکت کننده
دخالت کردن
corrupt organisation involved in industry درگیر
در گیر شدن
دعوا کردن
یقه کسی رو گرفتن
نقش داشتن در چیزی = دخیل بودن.
حقوق:مورد نظر
ذی ربط
به کار گرفتن
مشاهده ادامه پیشنهادها (١٠ از ٤١)
