integrate into

پیشنهاد کاربران

ذوب شدن در چیزی
ادغام شدن
✔️ معنای دوستمون گرشا
. e. g
One helpful person I know is my neighbor, Mr. Johnson. He is a retired teacher and has been living in the neighborhood for over 30 years. I got to know him when I moved into the area a few years ago. He’s always willing to help out in any way he can
[مشاهده متن کامل]

For example, when my car broke down one time, he offered to take me to work until it was fixed. He’s also helped me with some yard work and repairs around my house. He never expects anything in return, he’s just a genuinely kind and helpful person
He’s well - known in the neighborhood for his willingness to lend a hand to anyone who needs it. His teaching background also makes him a great resource for tutoring kids who are struggling in school. Mr. Johnson is a true example of someone who is always looking for ways to help others
. . .
How can volunteering and helping others be ⭐integrated into⭐ schools and workplaces?

We'll have to integrate potential environmental impacts into our plans for the new factory.
ما باید اثرات زیست محیطیِ بالقوه را در برنامه های خود برای کارخانه جدید لحاظ کنیم/ بگنجانیم.
Integrate into به معنای بخشی از یک گروه یا جامعه شدن و پذیرفته شدن به وسیله اون گروه یا جامعه هست مثلا:
Many children with learning difficulties are integrated into ordinary schools.
