بنابر آنچه در نبیگِ " Grundriss der iranischen Philologie ( بخش سوم. پارسیِ میانه از کارل زالمان ) آمده است:
در زبانِ پارسیِ میانه برابر " مُفَتِش عقاید، دادورِ تفتیش عقاید، بازپرس، پرسشگر " که به زبانهای اروپایی " inquisitor " است، واژه یِ " ویجُستار" بکار می رفته است ( در این باره به دینکرد نگاهی بیاندازید ) .
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
( ساختارِ این واژه را می توان با واژه یِ "ویراستار" همسنجی کرد ) .
واژه ی "ویجُستار" از سه تکواژ
1 - پیشوندِ " وی" : این پیشوند در پارسیِ نوین بیشتر به ریختِ " گُ " درآمده است؛
2 - " جُست" : بُن گذشته یِ " جُستَن/جوی - " و برابر با واژه یِ آلمانی " suchen" است ( جُستَن را می توان " جوییدن" هم بکار برد ) ؛
3 - پسوندِ " - آر "
. . . . . . . . .
پیشنهادِ واژه : از اینرو برای واژه یِ " تفتیش عقاید کردن " می توان واژه یِ " گُجُستَن/گُجوی - " یا "ویجُستن/ویجوی - " را پیشنهاد کرد که از نظر معنایی، چنانکه پیداست، بسیار واژه ای درخور است.
اکنون می توان از دلِ واژه یِ " گُجُستَن/ویجُستَن" واژگانِ بسیاری را بیرون کشید. برای نمونه : گُجویِش، ویجویِش و. . . .
. . . . . .
پَسگشت :
رویبرگِ 301 از نبیگ " Grundriss der iranischen Philologie ( بخش سوم. پارسیِ میانه از کارل زالمان )
↩️ دوستان لطفاً به این توضیحات خوب دقت کنید:
📋 در زبان انگلیسی یک root word داریم به اسم quer ( به صورت های que/quis/quir/quisit/quest نیز نوشته می شود )
📌 این ریشه، معادل "ask" و "seek" و "look" می باشد؛ بنابراین کلماتی که این ریشه را در خود داشته باشند، به "ask" یا "seek" یا "look" مربوط هستند.
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
📂 مثال:
🔘 question: to ‘ask’ for information
🔘 inquire: to ‘ask’ or ‘seek’ details
🔘 query: a request to ‘ask’ for clarification
🔘 quest: a journey undertaken to ‘seek’ something
🔘 require: to ‘ask’ for something as a necessity
🔘 acquire: to ‘seek’ and obtain something
🔘 inquisition: an intense process of ‘asking’ questions
🔘 inquisitive: showing a tendency to ‘ask’ or ‘seek’ information
🔘 request: to ‘ask’ for something politely
🔘 requisition: a formal ‘ask’ for necessary items
🔘 inquiry: the act of ‘asking’ for information
🔘 acquisition: the act of ‘acquiring’ something through seeking
🔘 acquisitive: having a strong tendency to ‘seek’ and acquire
🔘 requisite: something that is ‘asked for’ or required
🔘 inquisitor: one who ‘asks’ or investigates, especially officially
↩️ دوستان لطفاً به این توضیحات خوب دقت کنید:
📋 در زبان انگلیسی یک root word داریم به اسم quisit
📌 این ریشه، معادل "seek" و "ask" می باشد؛ بنابراین کلماتی که این ریشه را در خود داشته باشند، به "seek" یا "ask" مربوط هستند.
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
📂 مثال:
🔘 requisite: Something that is required or needed, as if asked for in advance
🔘 acquisitive: Seeking to obtain more, often motivated by greed or desire for wealth
🔘 inquisitive: Eager to ask questions and seek out knowledge or answers
🔘 perquisite: A benefit or advantage that is sought or received in addition to regular pay
🔘 acquisition: The act of seeking and gaining possession of something
🔘 disquisition: A detailed inquiry or discussion, often involving the seeking of answers
🔘 exquisite: Used to describe something that is sought for its exceptional quality or beauty, intense in its appeal
🔘 inquisition: An official investigation or questioning, often seeking to suppress heresy
🔘 inquisitor: A person who seeks answers, often in a harsh or thorough manner
🔘 prerequisite: A requirement that must be met or sought before proceeding
🔘 requisition: A formal request, often involving the seeking of official services or items
↩️ دوستان لطفاً به این توضیحات خوب دقت کنید:
📋 در زبان انگلیسی یک prefix داریم به اسم in -
📌 این پیشوند، معادل "in" "on" و "into" می باشد؛ بنابراین کلماتی که این پیشوند را در خود داشته باشند، به "in" "on" یا "into" مربوط هستند.
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
📂 مثال:
🔘 ingress: the act of entering or the right to enter
🔘 insinuation: a sly, indirect suggestion, often negative
🔘 incumbent: a duty or responsibility placed upon someone
🔘 intone: to say something in a slow, serious manner
🔘 inundate: to overwhelm with too much of something
🔘 inveterate: a habit that is long - established and unlikely to change
🔘 indoctrinate: to teach beliefs thoroughly, rejecting others
🔘 incipient: something just beginning to develop
🔘 incisive: a clear, brief expression with strong understanding
🔘 disinter: to dig up something previously buried or hidden
🔘 ingratiate: to try to gain favor by pleasing someone
🔘 incarcerate: to imprison or confine
🔘 inculcate: to teach something repeatedly to fix it in mind
🔘 insidious: dangerous because it develops slowly and unnoticed
🔘 inebriated: being under the influence of alcohol or an emotion
🔘 incendiary: something causing fires or inciting trouble
🔘 inception: the beginning or start of something
🔘 incursion: a sudden, hostile invasion or attack
🔘 induce: to bring about or persuade someone to do something
🔘 inductive: reasoning based on observation to form general conclusions
🔘 inference: a conclusion drawn from available data
🔘 infiltrate: to enter secretly, usually for gathering information
🔘 inflammable: easily ignited or quick to anger
🔘 inflection: a change in form, such as in voice or word endings
🔘 infringe: to violate or intrude upon someone's rights
🔘 infusion: the introduction of one substance into another
🔘 ingrained: deeply fixed or rooted, especially in the mind
🔘 inherent: a natural, essential quality
🔘 initiate: to begin or start something
🔘 innate: a quality present from birth or essential to something
🔘 inquisitive: eager to learn, sometimes overly curious
🔘 instigate: to start or stir up something, often trouble
🔘 intrusive: interfering where not welcome
🔘 reinstate: to restore something or someone to a former position
🔘 incorporate: to add and make something part of a whole
🔘 inclined: willing or likely to do something
🔘 reinforce: to strengthen or add support
🔘 incidental: a minor event related to something more important
🔘 coincide: to happen at the same time or agree
🔘 incident: an unpleasant occurrence or event
🔘 intend: to plan or have a goal to do something
🔘 incline: a slope or surface that rises or falls
🔘 ingredient: a component used to make something
🔘 inspire: to motivate or influence someone positively
🔘 investigation: a search for information about an event or situation
🔘 instant: happening immediately or without delay
🔘 insert: to put something into something else
🔘 involved: taking part in or engaged in an activity
🔘 inspect: to examine something closely
🔘 invade: to enter a place forcefully, usually for attack
🔘 encouraging: giving support or confidence
🔘 illumination: a state of enlightenment or understanding
🔘 incarceration: the state of being imprisoned
🔘 incarnation: a new form or embodiment of an idea
🔘 inculpate: to suggest that someone is guilty
🔘 influx: a flowing in or arrival of something
🔘 inject: to introduce a substance, especially with a needle
🔘 inscribe: to carve or etch into a surface
🔘 invasive: relating to entering the body through puncture or incision
🔘 invoke: to call into action or existence, often by magic
✍ توضیح: Curious and eager to learn or investigate 🤔
🔍 مترادف: Curious
✅ مثال: The inquisitive child asked a lot of questions about the world.
دوستان این لغت بیشتر به کنجکاوی بیش از حد گفته میشه . توی خود کمبریج هم که سرچ کنید نوشته کنجکاوی ای هست که بعضی وقتا دیگرانو آزار میده.
معمولا با کلمه mind میاد و به معنی " ذهن پرسشگر " هست. اگر برای شخص ( دانشجو ، رهرو جوینده و . . ) بیاد به معنی پیگیر و مشتاق در یادگیری هست.
کسی که پا فشارانه کنجکاو هست.
( فرقش با کمله curious در اصرار و پافشاری ــست )
معنی منفی نداره ( مثل فضول )
She’s always asking personal questions, she’s so inquisitive.
A person might say, “I appreciate your inquisitive nature, but some things are private. ”
A friend might comment, “He’s so inquisitive, always wanting to know every detail of my life. ”
۱. کنجکاو. ۲. فضول
You know! he is a bit inquisitive.
میدونی! آن کمی کنجکاو و فضول است.
🔍 دوستان مشتقات ( derivatives ) این کلمه اینها هستند:
✅ فعل ( verb ) : _
✅️ اسم ( noun ) : inquisition / inquisitiveness / inquisitor
✅️ صفت ( adjective ) : inquisitive / inquisitorial
✅️ قید ( adverb ) : inquisitively
پرسش گر
1. پی جویانه، کنجکاوی برانگیز، کنجکاوانه 2. از روی کنجکاوی 3. از روی فضولی
بیشتر به معنای منفی کنجکاو هست - - > فضول
مشاهده ادامه پیشنهادها (١٠ از ١٥)