
پیشنهاد کاربران

Infamoose is a playful slang term that combines “infamous” and “moose. ” It is used to describe someone or something that is notorious or well - known for their negative actions or reputation.
اصطلاح عامیانه
[مشاهده متن کامل]

ترکیبی از "بد نام/infamous" و "گوزن/moose" است.
توصیف کسی یا چیزی که بدنام است یا به دلیل اعمال یا شهرت منفی خود شناخته شده است.
“That politician is an infamoose for his corruption scandals. ”
In a discussion about notorious criminals, one might say, “Al Capone was definitely an infamoose during the Prohibition era. ”
A person might use the term humorously, saying, “I’m the infamoose of my friend group because I always cause trouble. ”

