
کامپیوتر : ناهم ارزى


[کامپیوتر] ناهم ارزی
[ریاضیات] نا هم ارزی

پیشنهاد کاربران

↩️ دوستان لطفاً به این توضیحات خوب دقت کنید:
📋 در زبان انگلیسی یک root word داریم به اسم equ ( به صورت equi هم نوشته می شود )
📌 این ریشه، معادل "equal" می باشد؛ بنابراین کلماتی که این ریشه را در خود داشته باشند، به "equal" مربوط هستند.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

📂 مثال:
🔘 Equate: to make “equal”
🔘 Equatable: able to be considered “equal”
🔘 Inequivalent: not “equal”
🔘 Equivalently: in an “equal” manner
🔘 Equivalency: the state of being “equal”
🔘 Adequate: “equal” to a requirement
🔘 Inadequate: not “equal” to a need
🔘 Adequacy: the quality of being “equal” to a demand
🔘 Inadequacy: the state of not being “equal” to a requirement
🔘 Adequately: in a manner “equal” to what’s needed
🔘 Inadequately: not meeting the “equal” standard
🔘 Equitably: in a fair or “equal” way
🔘 Inequitably: not in a fair or “equal” manner
🔘 Equitableness: the quality of being “equal” and fair
🔘 Equidistantly: at “equal” distances
🔘 Equal: the same or “equal”
🔘 Equally: in an “equal” manner
🔘 Equality: the condition of being “equal”
🔘 Unequal: not “equal”
🔘 Unequally: in a manner that is not “equal”
🔘 Inequality: lack of “equal” status
🔘 Equalize: to make “equal”
🔘 Equalizer: something that makes others “equal”
🔘 Equalization: the process of making things “equal”
🔘 Equinoctial: relating to times when day and night are “equal”
🔘 Equidistant: at “equal” distances
🔘 Equilateral: having all sides “equal”
🔘 Equilibrium: a state of “equal” balance
🔘 Equinox: time of the year when day and night are “equal”
🔘 Equitable: fair or “equal” in treatment
🔘 Equivalent: essentially “equal” in value or meaning
🔘 Equiangular: having “equal” angles
🔘 Equation: a statement asserting “equal” values
🔘 Equator: an imaginary line dividing Earth into “equal” halves
🔘 Equatorial: relating to the “equal” midline of Earth
🔘 Equanimity: maintaining an “equal” state of mind
🔘 Equipotent: having “equal” power or effect
🔘 Equilibrate: to bring to an “equal” balance
🔘 Equity: the quality of being fair or “equal”
🔘 Equipoise: a state of “equal” balance
🔘 Equable: remaining “equal” in mood or temper
🔘 Equidistance: the condition of being at “equal” distance
🔘 Equivocal: open to more than one meaning, not “equal” clarity
🔘 Equivocate: to use ambiguous language, lacking “equal” clarity
🔘 Equivocation: the act of being unclear, not “equal” in directness
🔘 Inequity: an unfair situation, not “equal”
🔘 Inequitable: lacking “equal” fairness
🔘 Unequivocal: leaving no doubt, entirely “equal” in clarity
🔘 Equivalence: the condition of being essentially “equal”
🔘 Equilibration: the process of achieving “equal” balance
