
پیشنهاد کاربران

تجرد ناخواسته
Online forums for incels often promote toxic and misogynistic ideologies.
In a conversation about toxic masculinity, someone might say, “Incel culture perpetuates harmful attitudes towards women. ”
[مشاهده متن کامل]

A news segment might cover, “The rise of incel communities and their potential for promoting violence against women. ”

( عامیانه )
Involuntary celibate
تجرد غیرارادی
به مردایی میگن که توانایی پیدا کردن شریک جنسی ندارن ( به دلیل شخمی بودن خودشون ) و بقیه رو بابت
این مشکل سرزنش میکنن که چرا زنا نمیان به من پا بدن!
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Chad is an incel, often devolving into a puddle of misogynistic self - pity

INCEL مخفف دو واژه هست :
Involuntary Celibate می باشد که ترجمه تحت الفظی اش میشود "تجرد غیر ارادی" و برای بیان حالت روانی مردانی هست که در شرایط عادی قادر به ارتباط با خانمها نیستند چه بعنوان همسر چه بعنوان دوست دختر و یا حتی دوست معمولی.
Sees women as sexual objects instead of human beings. Incapable of being friends with a woman because to them they are only good for sex and not able to be connected to and talked to like normal humans. Because of this complex women tend to avoid them as someone who sees you as subhuman and an experience object is obviously undesirable. The incel, drowning in self pity over his inability to attain a girlfriend and pussy, spreads his misogynistic hate into forums on the internet. Incels are known for promoting shootings, genocide, and mass rape.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Simps are just incels before they get fed up and start hating women instead of worshipping them. See women as fellow humans instead of sex objects and you won’t have a problem.
Incel gets punched after he harasses and pepper sprays women
کامنت دوستمون درباره این کلمه درسته

✳Member of online comunity called incels
Self delusional, egoistic pretends to be a nice guy
Blames others for his deprivation of sex or romantic relationship
Often has stereotypes for others
[مشاهده متن کامل]

A person who is unable to find romantic partner or thinks is deprived of sex by other guys called CHAD
Possibly to become mass murder or a school shooter
"He is definitely an Incel, he hates all girls"
✳ involuntary celibate: someone who is celibate but doesn't want to be
"He's an incel. He tries to get dates every week but gets turned down all that time. "
✳ A no - gettin - laid motherfucker.
That guy thinks he's an incel because he can't get laid, but really he's just a narcissistic, sexist, asshole with no redeeming personality traits
✳ Abbreviated term for the compound 'Involuntary Celibate'. In Darwinian terms a person deemed 'least fit to reproduce', manifested in social terms as someone unable to copulate due to the absence of even a single willing partner. More typically male than female. Hangs around on internet forums generally blaming females for this undesirable condition. Unable to compete on the level playing field of sexual equality can be seen clamouring for a return to the middle ages where all that was needed to nab a woman was two cows and a quarter acre. Could be considered a 'Darwinian loser' whose gene pool is facing extinction unless they address negative personality traits and/or get into physical condition necessary for attraction to opposite sex.
Woman: He's nice enough but he identifies as one of those incels.
Friend: Stay away from him. That's akin to announcing oneself as an unreformable loser.
✳ noun
a member of an online community of young men who consider themselves unable to attract women sexually, typically associated with views that are hostile towards women and men who are sexually active.
"self - identified incels have used the internet to find anonymous support"

شخصی ( معمولا یک مرد ) که زنان را به چشم اشیایی برای رابطه جنسی می داند و عقیده دارد که وظیفه آن هاست که وی را از نظر جنسی ارضا کنند و تنها دلیل عدم داشتن رابطه اش را مشکلات ظاهری خود می پندارد.
مردی که به طور غیرداوطلبی تا حالا رابطه ی جنسی با جنس مونث نداشته است.
