in the tank

پیشنهاد کاربران

This phrase is used to describe someone who is facing or about to face legal trouble, such as indictment or charges. It suggests that the person is in a difficult or dangerous situation that may lead to consequences.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

این عبارت برای توصیف شخصی استفاده می شود که با مشکلات قانونی مانند کیفر خواست یا اتهام مواجه است یا در شرف مواجه شدن با آن است.
این نشان می دهد که فرد در موقعیت دشوار یا خطرناکی قرار دارد که ممکن است به عواقبی منجر شود.
“The suspect was arrested and thrown in the tank. ”
In a discussion about law enforcement, someone might comment, “Once you’re in the tank, it’s hard to get out. ”
A news headline might read, “The notorious gang leader finally ended up in the tank after a long pursuit by the police. ”

