in the groove

پیشنهاد کاربران

When someone is “in the groove, ” it means they are performing at their best and everything is going smoothly for them. This term is often used to describe someone who is in a state of flow or experiencing a high level of productivity.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

بهترین عملکرد خود را داشتن و همه چیز برای کسی آرام پیش رفتن.
این اصطلاح اغلب برای توصیف شخصی استفاده می شود که غرق در کار است یا سطح بالایی از بهره وری را تجربه می کند.
For example, if a musician is playing exceptionally well during a concert, you might say, “They’re really in the groove tonight. ”
A colleague might compliment another by saying, “You’re in the groove with your work lately. ”
A coach might motivate their team by saying, “Let’s get in the groove and give it our best shot!”
