In - service training refers to training that takes place while an individual is already employed or serving in a specific job role. It aims to enhance skills, knowledge, and performance in the current position. ... [مشاهده متن کامل]
آموزش ضمن خدمت / آموزش هایی که در حالی صورت می گیرد که فرد قبلاً در یک نقش شغلی خاص مشغول به کار یا خدمت می باشد. هدف آن افزایش مهارت ها، دانش و عملکرد در موقعیت فعلی است. مثال؛ For example, teachers might participate in in - service training to learn new teaching methods or strategies. Police officers might undergo in - service training to stay updated on new laws and procedures. Healthcare professionals might attend in - service training to learn about new medical technologies or treatments.