in perspective

پیشنهاد کاربران

حدوحدود واقعی. . .
واقع بینی
سر جای خود
در یک چارچوب عقلانی
within a reasonable view or appraisal.
در معرض توجه قرار دادن یا توجه کردن به چیزی
قضاوت یک چیز در مقایسه با چیزهای دیگر. به این مثال دقت کنید متوجه میشین. If you get something in perspective or into perspective, you judge its real importance by considering it in relation to everything else. If you get something out of perspective, you fail to judge its real importance in relation to everything else.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Remember to keep things in perspective.
It helps to put their personal problems into perspective.
Labor economist Harley Shaekin argues the cost needs to be viewed in perspective.
I let things get out of perspective
