in good bad etc repair

پیشنهاد کاربران

سلام جناب اقای کتابدار؛
ممنون ازتون 🙏🏻. مثل همیشه کامل وجامع.
با سلام. چشم. شاید تعریف زیر و مثال ها، به روشن شدن مطلب کمک کند.
The phrase “in good, bad, etc. repair” refers to the condition of something, particularly whether it is well - maintained or not.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

عبارت به وضعیت چیزی اشاره دارد، به ویژه اینکه آیا آن چیز به خوبی نگهداری می شود یا خیر.
The house is in very good repair, with no visible damage or wear and tear.
Unfortunately, the road was in bad repair in certain sections, making the journey quite bumpy.
Despite its age, the ancient manuscript is in remarkably good repair, a testament to its preservation.
The monks of Ettal diligently keep their abbey in good repair, ensuring its longevity.
The heating system in that beautiful house is in very poor repair, requiring urgent attention.

سلام آقای کتابدار؛
میشه لطفا این اصطلاح روبیشتر توضیح بدین.
idiom ( also in a good, bad, etc. state of repair )
in good, bad, etc. repair
in good, bad, etc. condition
در شرایط خوب، بد و غیره
The house is in very good repair.
