in english

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به زبان انگلیسی
اگه تمرکز و منظور شما روی یک زبانه باید از " In " اشتفاده کنید نه از " at " . هرچند بعضیا استفاده میکنن
همچنین وقتی داریم در مورد زبان ها حرف میزنیم از The استفاده نمیکنیم. یعنی نمیگیم In the English
[مشاهده متن کامل]

مثلا : in English / in Farsi / In Chinese / In Spanish / In german / in Italian / in French / in Russian / in Korean / in Japanese / in Arabic / in Hindi / in Tamil / in Indonesian / in Thai / in Turkish / in Norwegian / in Swedish / in Filipino / in Dutch / in Finnish / in Danish / in Czech / in Cantonese
🔴 One is “good in English” and one is “good at talking in English. ” The preposition “at” cannot be used because one can be “good at” doing something, like good at reading in English, good at talking in English, good at taking notes, and so on and so forth.
🔴 When you name a language, you do not use "the. "
You can say "He is good AT English. " This means that he speaks English well. Other examples:
"”He is good at math ( He is good at doing math )
"”He is good at tennis ( he is good at playing tennis )
"”He is good at cooking ( He cooks well )
You can also say "He is good IN English. " This means that he does good work in English as a school subject. Other examples:
"”He is good in history ( he's good in his course work in history )
"”He is good in psychology ( he is good in his course work in that subject )
If you have no talent for something, or do it poorly, you are "bad ( or poor ) at":
"”They're bad at arriving on time
"”She's poor at finance
"”I'm bad at languages
🔴 ( I don't mind giving you an idea of situations in which "good in English" is appropriate. )
A person who is studying English as an academic subject is good IN English, just as a person who is studying physics is good IN physics. "IN English" implies that the person has a high standing in classes, indicated by good grades.
Google examples:
She was good in English and in every subject ( her last report card is brought to where we are sitting, an average of 91%, high enough . . .
I was good in English in school and just assumed everybody could. It's a buzz now that all these years later he's writing for the Terrascope. He's my hero. . . .
But I was good in English, Literature, History and Geography. I just found myself good in the liberal arts, not in the sciences. I probably became a lawyer . . .
There are some examples on Google of "I'm good IN English, " but these are written by non - native speakers of English. Here are a couple of examples not involving English that may have been written by native English speakers:
I'm pretty good in languages. I can speak 3 languages. I don't play the piano ( quit in 5th grade ) or another instrument ( quit clarinet in 8th grade ) . . . .
We have a lot of people in our chapter who are VERY good in Spanish, including some translators of books, and it would be wise to tap into their language . . .
"Good AT [language]" expresses proficiency:
This letter is from Kevin, who we also call K - Dawg. He's a pretty funny kid, and sometimes I think he's good at English, but other times I have my doubts. . . .
Because he's good at English, he can correct my Japanese quickly. However, starting from next week, he'll be working in Shinjuku. . . .
But he's good at Chinese and a bit Taiwanese. . . so his Taiwanese is better while my English gets nothing because I always teach him Taiwanese. . . . . .
the Marin Islands are in between these two points was named, and I'm not good at Spanish so. forgive me - - And they shortened it to Marin when they did the
🔵 can i say ?
a ) He is good at playing chess )
b ) He is good in playing chess )
🔴 Only
a ) He is good at playing chess )
seems OK to me.
🔴 In an earlier post in this thread I said
"Good AT [language]" expresses proficiency. . . "
"Good AT" describes the way in which you DO something. "Good IN" describes how you perform in a school course. Playing chess is not usually a school subject.
