in a fit of pique

پیشنهاد کاربران

در حالت آزردگی - با کمال دلخوری
The phrase "in a fit of pique" is used to describe a sudden outburst of anger or annoyance, often in response to a perceived slight or insult
توصیف یک ابراز ناگهانی عصبانیت یا آزردگی، اغلب در پاسخ به یک توهین جزئی یا تحقیر و بی احترامی
[مشاهده متن کامل]

After being passed over for a promotion, he quit his job in a fit of pique .
She threw her phone across the room in a fit of pique after receiving an unpleasant message .
The CEO's decision to cancel the project was made in a fit of pique after a disagreement with the project manager .
He stormed out of the meeting in a fit of pique after his proposal was rejected .

