immediate party

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• party that is closely related, person or group that is involved

پیشنهاد کاربران

A person, group, or entity that is directly involved or immediately affected by an event, action, or decision.
✍️طرف بلافصل ( عبارت اسمی ) : شخص، گروه یا نهادی که به طور مستقیم درگیر یا به طور بلافصل تحت تأثیر یک رویداد، اقدام یا تصمیم است.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

👈مترادف: Direct Party, Primary Party, Principal Party
The immediate party to the contract is responsible for fulfilling the terms and conditions.
In the event of a dispute, the immediate parties involved should attempt to resolve the issue amicably.
The immediate party affected by the policy change expressed their concerns during the meeting.

immediate party مهمانی که اعضای درجه یک خانواده شرکت دارند
در عوض در reunion party همه اعضای فامیل دعوت میشوند.
