
پیشنهاد کاربران

I Love You
This acronym is used to express love or affection for someone. It is often used casually or in a friendly manner.
اختصار برای ابراز عشق یا علاقه به کسی.
اغلب به صورت خودمانی یا دوستانه استفاده می شود.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

For example, a user might comment on a friend’s post by saying, “Great photo! ILY, girl. ”
In a conversation about relationships, someone might say, “It’s important to tell your partner ‘ILY’ regularly. ”
Another might send a text to a family member saying, “Just wanted to say ‘ILY’ and hope you’re having a great day. ”

Ily مخفف شده ی i love you
