ill of the dead

پیشنهاد کاربران

To speak negatively or disrespectfully about someone who has passed away.
✍️ به طور منفی یا بی احترامی درباره کسی که فوت کرده است صحبت کردن، پشت سر مرده حرف زدن
✍️✍️این عبارت نماد نقض هنجارهای اجتماعی یا احترام است، زیرا به طور کلی ناپسند تلقی می شود که از متوفی بدگویی یا انتقاد کرد.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

👈مترادف: Speak ill of the dead, badmouth the deceased, criticize the dead
It's considered rude to speak ill of the dead.
Even though they had their differences, he refused to speak ill of the dead.
She reminded everyone to avoid speaking ill of the dead during the memorial service.
