ill clad

پیشنهاد کاربران

“Ill - clad” is an adjective that is used to describe someone who is dressed in a way that is inappropriate for the weather or occasion, or who is wearing clothes that are old, worn out, or dirty. For example, a person who is wearing shorts and a t - shirt in the middle of winter might be described as “ill - clad” because they are not dressed appropriately for the cold weather. The word “ill - clad” is often used in combination with other words to describe a particular group of people, such as “ill - clad vagrants”.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

( Ill - clad ) صفتی است که برای وصف کسی است که لباس نامناسب برای آب و هوا یا مناسبت به تن دارد یا لباس کهنه، مندرس یا کثیف به تن دارد. به عنوان مثال، فردی که در وسط زمستان شلوارک و تی شرت می پوشد، ممکن است به عنوان ill - clad توصیف شود، زیرا لباس مناسبی برای هوای سرد نمی پوشد. کلمه ill - clad اغلب در ترکیب با کلمات دیگری برای توصیف گروه خاصی از افراد مانند ill - clad vagrants استفاده می شود.
The famished, filthy, and ill - clad condition of the poor creature presented a most frightful spectacle.
The weather was bitterly cold, and many of the ill - clad, underfed exiles died along the way.
Some of his ill - clad men actually died of exposure.
The children were very ill - clad.

