if you say so

پیشنهاد کاربران

که اینطور
1. "I think we should take the longer route. If you say so. "
2. "You want to watch that movie again? If you say so. "
3. "You think I should confront him about this? If you say so. "
هر چی تو بگی if you say so
اگر تو اینو میگی باشه ( معمولا برای خاتمه بحث استفاده میشه درحالیکه کسیکه اینو میگه زیاد موافق نیست )
که اینطور. ( نشون میده که زیاد حرف طرف مقابل رو باور ندارید. )
میل خودته
این جور که تو می گی
هرجور راحتی
هرچی تو بگی همونه. . .
حالت تمسخر و گاهی تاییدی داره
حق با شماست
این نظر توئه
تو که راست می گی . . .
هر چی شما بگی
امر امر شماست
🔴 Phrase that can indicate continued concern in response to attempts at alleviation.
Can also be used to politely disagree or imply that someone is lying.
Person A: I'm fine.
Person B: If you say so. . .
[مشاهده متن کامل]

🔴 A very polite way of calling someone a liar after they tell you something that you know is utter bullshit.
Man #1: I saw Elvis at the 711 this afternoon.
Man #2: Yeah, tell me another one.
Man #1: No, I really did see Elvis.
Man #2: If you say so.
🔴 A polite way of saying no
Girl1: OMG!! isnt jason so hott?!?!!
Girl2: If you say so. . .
🔴 If you're annoyed or angry with whoever you're talking to it basically means whatever, just get the hell out of your face, shuttup, and leave you the fuck alone.
If you're not mad it means: Ok, sure I'll go along with that; or I'll do it later.
Can also be used with affection to a loved family member in place of "I love you too, " in some cases.
Ex. 1
Teen: ( goes downstairs to get a snack and drink )
Grandmother: ( limps in with cane ) It's your day to clean the kitchen
Teen: ( in an indifferent tone ) If you say so ( goes upstairs with snack and drink and continues to play on computer )
Teen: ( thinking to self ) I can't stand that bitch, she gets on my fuckin' nerves! She needs to turn on the damn air conditioning cuz it feels like a sauna up in dis bitch!
Grandmother: ( downstairs in kitchen ) ( limping slowly with cane to get a drink )
Ex. 2
( daughter and father finishing a phone conversation )
Daughter: What are we doing when you get off work?
Father: I don't know sweetheart, probably nothing ( obviously kidding ) . I have to go now, I have a customer that I need to get back to. I love you.
Daughter: Daad come on!
Father: I have to go now, I'll call you back later. Bye, I love you, and I'll see you when I get home.
Daughter: If you say so, bye! ( hangs up phone and continues to watch TV )
🔴 From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishif I may say soif I may say so ( also if I might say so ) formal used to be polite when saying something that may embarrass or offend the person you are talking to That's just the point, Mr Glover, if I may say so.

تو راست میگی ( یعنی دروغ میگی )
فقط چون تو می گی
باشه، هر چی تو بگی ( به نوعی این جمله گاهی با حالت تمسخر یا اعتراض همراه است. )
باشه، هر چی تو بگی
روش مودبانه ی نه گفتن. حالا هر چی. دروغ می گی. ساکت تنهام بذار
مشاهده ادامه پیشنهادها (١٠ از ٢٠)
