idgaf comebacks

پیشنهاد کاربران

⬛1. Idgaf either.
2. That makes two of us.
3. Feelings mutual.
4. And I'm supposed to care about that?
5. Likewise.
6. I couldn't care less what you give a fxck about.
7. You don't? Well, tell it to someone who does.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Say that to someone who does
Well your mom did, yesterday
i did gave a fuck to your mother
⬛Probably better for both of us.
⬛"You will. "
⬛Look at the floor for about 7 seconds, then look up at them with a blank face and say:
"I'm sorry did you say something?"
⬛For "I don't give a fuck" the best is
"yeah I know, but $60? Come on, how about I give you $20 and a rock off the carpet?"
⬛For "I don't care" the best would be something like "you will in three days"
⬛ 1. Sure you dont. The last time you didn't care , you got pregnant.
2. Sure you dont. The last time you didnt care, you were almost a father.
⬛But you told me you loved me.
⬛A reply to "I don't give a fuck" would be
"Good decision. I don't see any Viagra stores anyway"
⬛You can say “Neither did your mommy and daddy!” Or you can say “Nor does fuck give a fuck about you!”. Or “I don’t care what you care— no one does!”
⬛Person: “I don't give an f**k”
You: “good I wasn't asking for one”
Person: “I don't care”
You: “no one mistook you for someone who would”
⬛“Why should you?”
⬛Yeah well No Shit Sherlock , And that’s why we’re still friends😅 Oh and I need to borrow 20 bucks
⬛The question is the final answer
so if in fact it wasn’t delivered correctly the first time
lets clearly communicate
⬛“I don’t give a fuck”= “Apparently, neither did your father since he left 80% of you still running down your mother’s leg. ”
“I don’t care”=”Well, neither do I kiddo. ”
⬛“It’s either ‘give a fuck or get fucked, sooner or later!’”
You bury your head in the sand too long, inevitably something will come along to bite you in the ass!
⬛It depends on the situation and the person I’m talking to.
If I’m giving an advice to a best friend, and instead of accepting it s/he says “ I don’t care”. I will answer by “ if I were you I would care”.
But if that person was just some dude, then I will reply “ I don’t either”.
If I’m talking to a friend who did something wrong. Then I will say “ You have to care, moron”.
But if it was a stranger, I may use “ You will, when i kick the shit out of your as* ”.
If I’m ignored by a friend, I will try “ i’m not asking you to care, i’m telling you”.
But with somebody else, I’ll have to say back “ Double it, and gtfo”.
If it is said by one of my parents in any of these situations, then I will only use one reply “ I’m not expecting you to care”.
Anyways, people who use with you the term “ I don’t care”, in fact they really do. Either they are just angry or they are trying to look special. Don’t take it seriously when someone tell you that, just give them some time to recognize their mistake : )
You need an erection for giving a fuck. You probably have problem getting one.
⬛“ awww . . come on ! …. make me happy !! …. just give me one little fuck !!! “ … 😂😂😂
EDIT ; ; I surrendered to the temptation, thus deciding to provide a response to this question . . I’m attaching FULL BLAME to that little voice in my head …
It has this nasty habit of getting me into trouble . . 😂😂
⬛Dude, I don't need to know about your sex life.
⬛“I’ll keep that thought in mind”
Its not a witty tit for tat response, which is a bit infantile anyway.
Lets examine your motivations for a second. What do you actually want?
Do you want them to be ‘put in their place’?
Or to see your point of view?
Your better reaction is much more likely to get a better response.
“I’ll keep that thought in mind”.
It causes the other to think about what it is they don't give a fuck about, and perhaps reconsider the response.
It makes them think about what you meant by that innocuous response, and how it will now affect their situation.
Instead of shutting down communication, it leaves the door open.
⬛ "That's what your mom said when I asked about you - - in bed. "
"I'm saying I slept with your mom. "
"I mean we did it"
Thrust your hips out and make other sex pantomimes.
Don't forget to grunt while doing this.
⬛Well, that makes two of us
⬛give no shit take no shit.
⬛I don't give 2 fucks 🤷‍♀️
⬛ I don’t give a fuck.
Well that’s fine because nobody is willing to take one of your fucks
⬛Neither do I
