i gen

پیشنهاد کاربران

Internet Generation
Refers to the generation born between the mid - 1990s and mid - 2000s, also known as Generation Z. The term “iGen” is derived from the widespread use of technology, such as smartphones and social media, among this generation.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

به نسل متولد شده بین اواسط دهه 1990 و اواسط دهه 2000 اشاره دارد که به عنوان نسل Z نیز شناخته می شود.
اصطلاح "iGen" از استفاده گسترده از فناوری، مانند گوشی های هوشمند و رسانه های اجتماعی، در میان این نسل گرفته شده است.
iGen is known for their fluency in digital technology.
A discussion about generational differences might include the statement, “iGen grew up with the internet at their fingertips. ”
A member of iGen might say, “I’m proud to be part of the iGen, we’re changing the world with our innovation. ”
