humanitarian corridor

پیشنهاد کاربران

humanitarian corridor
کُریدور انسانی، گذرگاه انسانی
A humanitarian corridor is a type of temporary demilitarized zone intended to allow the safe transit of humanitarian aid in, and/or refugees out of a crisis region. Such a corridor can also be associated with a no - fly zone or no - drive zone.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Humanitarian corridors are created to provide safe passage to people and humanitarian services in a conflict zone.
Humanitarian corridors have been established to help civilians leave the city.
Both sides should agree to a humanitarian corridor and otherwise respect the laws of war.
They had fired on ambulances and had ignored requests to open up a humanitarian corridor.
We need to stop, and I mean really stop, the shooting, and we need to ensure humanitarian corridors.
There are still six humanitarian corridors for civilians and two for the militants.

