how is your day going

پیشنهاد کاربران

how is your day going
روز شما چگونه می گذرد
همون حالت چطوره هست به بیان دیگه
برای پاسخ به این پرسش میتونید ازین پیشنهادات بهره ببرید. البته اصراری نیست دقیق همینا باشه یا مثل اینا. شما خیلی بیشتر از اینا هم میتونید جواب بسازید و استفاده کنید
[مشاهده متن کامل]

1. It’s going great, thanks for asking!
2. It’s going better than expected, to be honest.
3. I’m having a pretty good day, all things considered.
4. It’s been a busy day, but it’s been good.
5. I’m doing well, thanks for asking.
6. I’ve had better days, but I’m hanging in there.
7. So far so good!
8. It’s been an interesting day, to say the least.
9. I’m doing alright, I suppose.
10. ?I could be doing worse, I guess
11. Not bad, all things considered.
12. Could be better, could be worse.
13. It’s been a mixed bag so far, but overall it’s been okay.
14. Up and down, but mostly up today.
15. A little bit of everything today – but it’s good to hear from you!
16. Better than yesterday, not as good as tomorrow ( I hope! )
17. About average, I’d say.
18. Some highs and some lows today – but mostly highs!
19. Pretty good! Although I could do without the traffic
20. It was going great until I spilled coffee on my computer.
21. It’s going well, thanks! Have a great weekend!
اگه روز بدی داشتین اینا بکار میاد :
1. It’s been a day from hell.
2. Today just has not been my day.
3. Today has not been my finest hour.
4. This has been one for the books – and not in a good way.
5. It’s been a day where I just can’t seem to catch a break.
جواب های کوتاه هم میشه داد :
1. Ok.
2. Boring.
3. Normal.
4. Fine.
5. Fantastic.
چه کسی این عبارت را می گویند؟
افرادی که به پی بردن به وضع احساسات دیگری علاقه دارند یا می خواهند با هم صحبت کنند اغلب می پرسند "روز شما چگونه می گذرد؟" این افراد عبارتند از:
همسایه ها
غریبه ها در ملاء عام
تقریباً هر کسی می تواند این سؤال را بپرسد. اگر کسی آنقدر خوش برخورد است که بپرسد روز شما چگونه می گذرد، باید به او پاسخی مودبانه بدهید.
البته جایگزین هایی نیز برای این عبارت هست مثل :
1. How is your day going so far?
2. How was your day?
3. How’d You Make Out Today?
4. More . . . .
