how are ya doing

پیشنهاد کاربران

در جواب این سوال میشه جواب های زیر رو داد
🔴 Wonderful / Magnificent
🔴 “Im doing better now that you've asked!
🔴 today im ready and armed. Gonna take over the day!”
🔴 good! Im sensing today is going to be a good day. . it all starts with a cup of tea!
[مشاهده متن کامل]

🔴 “Im doing excellent thank you for asking! What about yourself?”
🔴 Tip, top thumbs up!
🔴 I’m doing amazingly well, how about you?
🔴 I’m doing awesome and amazingly well, how about you?
🔴 Well, I’m doing ok but wow, nowhere near as good as amazingly well
🔴 It’s up to me to choose how I feel about my day. Sure, there could be some mitigating circumstances that are bad but, in the end, I am the master of my destiny and my feeling and emotions. No one else can do what I can do. I make a conscious decision that today is going to be an amazing day.
🔴 I wont respond until I see my lawyer
