house on fire

پیشنهاد کاربران

To have a very friendly relationship
روابط خیلی صمیمانه داشتن
The phrase "house on fire" is often used idiomatically to describe a situation where things are going very well or progressing very quickly. When someone says that things are going like a "house on fire, " they mean that things are happening at a rapid pace or that there is a lot of excitement or energy in the situation
[مشاهده متن کامل]

یک اصطلاح برای نشان دادن موقعیتی که اوضاع به سرعت در حال پیشرفت و بهبود است
After we got started, the project went like a house on fire and we were able to finish it in record time
The party was going like a house on fire until the neighbors called the police

