hot and bothered

پیشنهاد کاربران

To feel “hot and bothered” is to be agitated or irritated. It can describe a person’s emotional state or reaction to a situation.
تحریک یا بر آشفته شدن. می تواند وضعیت عاطفی یا واکنش فرد را به یک موقعیت توصیف کند.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

She was hot and bothered by his constant interruptions.
Someone might say, “I’m feeling hot and bothered by all the noise. ”
In a discussion about a stressful situation, a person might comment, “I was really hot and bothered, trying to meet the deadline. ”

احساس نگرانی و اضطراب زیاد و تحت فشار بودن
عاشق و شیفته: John gets hot and bothered whenever Mary comes into the room.
The dog seems hot and bothered. I think it’s that time of the year again.
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بسیار نگران و استرس داشتن .
