

معنی: شلاق، قمچی، تنبیه کردن، شلاق زدن
معانی دیگر: شلاق اسب، تازیانه

بررسی کلمه

اسم ( noun )
• : تعریف: a whip used to guide, steer, drive, or control a horse.
فعل گذرا ( transitive verb )
حالات: horsewhips, horsewhipping, horsewhipped
مشتقات: horsewhipper (n.)
• : تعریف: to lash or flog with or as if with a horsewhip.

مترادف ها

شلاق (اسم)
lash, stick, switch, whip, whiplash, flagellum, scourge, knout, horsewhip

قمچی (اسم)

تنبیه کردن (فعل)
amerce, punish, flog, castigate, penalize, chastise, scourge, horsewhip, reprimand

شلاق زدن (فعل)
flog, beat, belt, thong, baste, whip, thrash, whiplash, wallop, flail, belabor, belabour, leather, horse, cat, flagellate, horsewhip, scutch, welt

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• whip used on horses
whip, beat with a horsewhip
a horsewhip is a long thin piece of leather on the end of a short, stiff handle.
if someone horsewhips a person or animal, they hit them several times with a horsewhip in order to hurt or punish them.

پیشنهاد کاربران
