horse tranquilizer

پیشنهاد کاربران

Horse tranquilizer is a descriptive term for ketamine due to its use as an anesthetic in veterinary medicine. The term highlights the drug’s sedative properties.
اصطلاح توصیفی
کتامین به عنوان بی حس کننده در دامپزشکی.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

این اصطلاح خاصیت آرام بخشی دارو را برجسته می کند.
Be careful with that horse tranquilizer, it can knock you out.
In a discussion about ketamine’s effects, a person might mention, “It’s called a horse tranquilizer for a reason. ”
A user might post on a drug forum, “Anyone have experience with horse tranquilizer? Looking for advice. ”
