hors de combat


معنی: از کار افتاده، از میدان رزم خارج شده
معانی دیگر: (فرانسه) از کار افتاده، از میدان جنگ خارج شده، مصدوم

بررسی کلمه

صفت و ( adjective, adverb )
• : تعریف: (French) out of action; no longer able to fight; disabled.

مترادف ها

از کار افتاده (صفت)
obsolete, effete, down, kaput, seedy, sear, hors de combat, washed-out

از میدان رزم خارج شده (صفت)
hors de combat

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• (french) injured badly that is unable to continue, out of action because of injury, not able to take any further part in the fight; disabled
if someone is hors de combat, they have been injured, and so are unable to do something such as fight or play a sport; a literary term.

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